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By Adam Peters
Keep it simple with your outdoor Christmas decorations. Tips to keeping your theme going without overdoing it.
Outdoor Christmas decorations are often seen throughout the lawns and homes of many neighborhoods during the holiday season. In some cases, there are simply too many decorations on some homes. For those that are considering decorating, consider how less can be more.
Don’t Overdress
Many people make the mistake of overdressing, whether it is with a princess gown with diamonds and rubies or their Christmas decorations. Do not overdo your yard this holiday season. If you do have too many decorations on your lawn, it is likely that your theme is overdone or even lost in the effort.
Using Outdoor Christmas Decorations Correctly
Too many Christmas decorations will limit the overall appearance. So instead of surrounding your yard with many different decorations to the point where it is cluttered, consider simplifying it. Go for a traditional Christmas tree with moving optical reindeer dancing around it. Keep it to a minimum and see the difference.
Too Much?
Imagine the house down the street that features every imaginable decoration including palm trees, blow up decorations as well as tons of lighting hanging off the house. In a smaller yard, there is nothing but decorations lining the yard. What’s more, it could be frightening to those that drive by because of its over the top design.
Overcome The Urge
To help keep yourself from overdoing it, be sure to consider these tips. First, select a theme and use it. You may want to consider a manger setting. Or, go the other route and feature the Grinch Who Stole Christmas instead. Do not do both because it is likely that your design will overwhelm those looking at it. Once you make a choice, keep it the same throughout all of the Christmas decorations you choose.
A Unique Outdoor Christmas Decoration Display
You do not have to choose every piece in storage to put up. Just because you have it stored away does not mean that you have to use it every single year. Keep the decorations that do not fit your theme stored away and only use those that will fit well within it. This may allow you to choose another theme for the next year which will include these other decorations.
Using A Theme For Your Christmas Tree
Pick a Christmas tree theme. Tips for choosing the most unique theme for your Christmas tree.
During the holiday season, Christmas trees are one of the main elements in the home. Everyone looks forward to the tree with all of its glory. There is something about having a cup of hot chocolate just looking into the lights, or enjoying carols playing on the radio as everyone sits around the tree and sings. Without a good looking tree, these things will not happen. With that said, the Christmas tree should be the center of attention in the room. It should be the first thing noticed there and with the right theme it could be something that everyone talks about.
What Theme?
Your Christmas tree should represent you in some way. Consider something simple if this is your first chance such as a snowflake theme. You can use lights that are shaped like snowflakes and use thin, glittering garland. Use various other elements that can show this theme or, for something a bit more creative, try a theme of just children. Use several things including toys, cards, and even crayons on the tree. Choose things that your children enjoy. For adults, consider an auto theme with various different model cars topping the tree. If you are a musician, consider a musical themed Christmas tree. Choose a variety of ornaments that resemble instruments and use key chain instruments as your ornaments.
Make It Personal
What theme is right for your personality? What would your friends say about you? If you enjoy spending your time at the mall, look for key chains and small shopping bags to decorate your Christmas tree. You can even use a variety of receipts that are real or fake to decorate the tree with, especially if you have made some large purchases this season with them! Create a paper Mache angel out of the newspaper flyers that you get in the mail during this season and top your tree with it.
Consider using Christmas tree themes that are right for your lifestyle, your personality and your overall lifestyle. Do take the time to choose things that you will enjoy because you will likely invest some money in making it happen.
Think of themes that work for you from a sports theme to a schoolteacher theme to politics and fun other themes. The most unique it is, the more you will surprise and impress your guests with it. Best of all, it will be a memorable tree that you will cherish for years to come.
About the Author: Adam Peters is the editor of
. Find more publications about discount christmas decorations at
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